Sunday, February 22, 2009

We (actually Poohpah Fechter) took these pics of the babies on a rocking chair that was mine when I was little. We have taken lots of pictures of Savannah over the years in the same chair. Unfortunately, Elliott had to nap during our photo shoot!! The pictures of the kids in the swim suits were taken last weekend on our vacation to the Great Wolf Lodge in Cinci. We went with our friends the Iden's and had a great time.

Savannah was VERY excited for her first visit to Chucky Cheese. She loves playing games and riding all the rides. The twins were intrigued by the giant mouse at Chucky Cheese. Savannah got to ride her bike and throw a snow ball on the same day!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The babies are 4 months now and wow are they fun!! The both are very active now rolling over more and just moving around a lot more. They both have the biggest smiles. Megan is sleeping all night now (hopefully big brother will figure it out one of these days). At their 4 month appointment Elliott was 13#7oz and Megan 11#14oz. Megan is at the 95%ile for height!! I guess we have very tall girls. We tried a little rice cereal last night, starting baby food is always very exciting! Savannah has had a great few weeks too as we have gotten some snow. She loves to play in the snow, making snow angels and riding the sled. Although her favorite part is definately throwing snow balls at Mommy and Daddy. She is getting ready for valentines day this week at school, she got to pick out valentines this week.