We are enjoying our last few days before Savannah starts Kindergarden. We have been trying to fit in all kinds of activities before school starts. In the past two weeks we...
1. Took a trip to Illinois to visit Mike's parent's (aka Nana and Poopa) "new" house and our friends Brad, Brishen, and Bella.
2. Savannah went to spend a few nights with Grandma and Poopa Fechter.
3. Brooke, Andy, Grant, and Sarah came through town twice!! We visited the Children's Museum in Indy with them and Nana and Poopa Smith.
4. We went to the Cincy Zoo and EnterTRAINment Junction.
5. Savannah has gone on several hikes with her dad (which is her new favorite activity it seems).
5. Savannah has gone on several hikes with her dad (which is her new favorite activity it seems).
We have been TERRIBLE at taking pics lately as it seems we don't have enough hands to take pics and enjoy watching three kids play!! I was brave the other day and did a double baby bath. Elliott cooperated by "covering himself", thanks bud. I did remember the camera the other day at the train museum. Alicia, Benny, and Sammy met us there. The twins are crawling EVERYWHERE now. It has been a lot of fun and very busy at our house. Elliott is a little speedster getting across the house in no time. Megan takes her time a little bit more. Savannah's going to have an exciting next couple of weeks with her 5th birthday and school starting.
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